Celebrating the small wins
Today l have been pondering the art of celebrating the mini victories/wins in life. When coaching clients, I'm all about popping confetti for those tiny triumphs. But I'm guilty of skipping my own victory dance now and then. It's tough, right? With all the societal expectations or that pesky inner critic, we often forget to give ourselves a pat on the back for the little things, just like we would for someone else.
Today, for example, I had a great day: I gained a new client, hopefully finish this blog post (still to be confirmed), reply to emails, paid some bills (ugh), undid a load of washing- all mixed in with a few other work related tasks. A productive day, right? However, I didn't see it that way because my brain did that thing where it says, “But you still have X,Y and Z to do.” My brain likes to trick me into thinking that X, Y and Z are the most important tasks and that I've made a mistake by prioritising the wrong things (facepalm). After a little time, I stopped and thought about how far I had come. Reflecting on how my brain used to argue with me over something like this and how it used to affect me far more negatively, I realised that I can now stop and celebrate those important small wins.
Over the years, I've done a lot of learning about how my brain works, with plenty of support along the way. The journey of learning is endless after all life loves to keep us on our toes – but I've gotten pretty good at being able to give my brain a friendly nudge when it steps out of line. The thoughts might still be there, but they don't often hold the same power they once did. This progress is due to a long list of things, I won't bore you with the details (otherwise, this would turn into a 20-page blog post, and no one's got time for that). I just wanted to remind you how important it is to celebrate the small wins. For me, even managing to wash my hair counts as a victory – it's a sensory ordeal so yea its a win! So, what's been your win today, big or small?